More car buyers than ever go for purchasing vehicles through automotive wholesale brokers. But is a professional car-buying agent worth it when you can broker your own deal at the dealership?

Normally, it depends on what you want to buy. Whether it is a new car, a used car, or a lease. It further depends on to what extent you know about the finer details of car buying. Also how much time you are ready to invest haggling at the dealership? Moreover, you should make sure you're covered with an affordable car insurance policy.

What Does An Automobile Broker Do?

Automobile wholesale brokers such as Eloquent Automotive Group bring knowledge and negotiating skills to the table as your agent. They are fully conversant with the intricacies of dealerships, financing and buying in a way that an ordinary car buyer will probably never learn.

Most often, these brokers boast years of experience in the industry, often on the other side of the desk. A lot of them are former salespeople and dealership managers. They know how to wrench the best possible price out of local dealers. Since they can figure out exactly how much money the dealer will make from manufacturer rebates, extras, and warranties.

You can probably work the deal out on your own. But you might be losing out on bigger discounts. At times, the savings you relinquish may be worth thousands of dollars. The expertise you need to get the best deals perhaps is not something you can learn in a weekend.

Automobile wholesale brokers can help you find the following cars:

New cars

This is a common assignment automobile brokers take. One of the biggest advantages of new car brokering services is that they can often get you the exact colour, upholstery, and factory-installed features you want on the model you like. Dealerships generally charge extra for these services. Or claim that the automobile you seek is impossible to find in the colour or specifications you desire. Just because they don't carry it in their inventory.

Used cars

Used car brokering is not as popular as new car buying services, but it can be even more useful. The dealer margin on used car pricing customarily is wider than new car pricing. So, there is more room for a well-used car broker like Eloquent Automotive Group to find you an amazing deal. The best thing is that used car brokers often charge just a percentage of the amount they save you on the deal. In other words, they do their best to get the best possible price. Simply put you and the broker would profit from the deal.

The Summary

A good automobile wholesale broker can also be of great use after you have worked the price down to an affordable level. Some reputed car brokers charge a lower fee for the task of finalizing a deal you start. Ideally, the broker will work to get the price lower. Plus, handle the final negotiations related to financing, dealer-installed extras, and warranties.